The effect of classical music on working memory and processing speed
What is the effect of fast, slow and medium tempo classical music on working memory and processing speed?
Lauren Conner, Hamza Alamgir, Chosen Archie
Kelly Cotton, Catherine Hofler, Tessa Hirschfeld-Stoler
Project Period:

The goal of this experiment is to see whether classical music of different tempos can affect one's working memory and processing speed. We determined this in our experiment by measuring how long it took participants to answer a question (reaction time) and whether the answer was correct or not (accuracy). We hypothesized that results will vary depending on the tempo of the music that were playing. Our 2 experimental questions: 1) How does classical music with different tempos affect working memory? 2) What effect does classical music with different tempos have on processing speed?
This page was originally developed by BioBus Summer 2021 Jr. Scientist William Rhee.