Here 2 Stay! Sessile Organisms in the Hudson River Estuary
How does the surrounding environment of the Hudson River Estuary impact the quality and quantity of sessile organisms?
Hamza Alamgir, Elsa Sam
Elena Markovitz, Sabrina Testi
Project Period:
2021 Summer

Ships, piers, lines and shorelines are all fixtures of any harbor. These are also habitats for sessile organisms to settle. We wondered how does the surrounding environment of the Hudson River Estuary impact the quality and quantity of sessile organisms? We can use settlement tiles to simulate and examine settlement sites. Our hypothesis is that if there are high levels of pollution and low levels of DO (Dissolved Oxygen) in the water, then there will be less biodiversity and less colonization of the tiles because of an inability of the organisms to thrive.
This page was originally developed by BioBus Summer 2021 Jr. Scientist William Rhee.